Unfortunately, I’m getting tired of making all of these screen shots. You should also probably make a folder for where you’ll be storing your programs (I called it JavaProgs). Notepad++ Portable is now correctly installed on your USB flash drive (presumably, that’s where you installed it).You have to click on “Settings” and then “Show Unstable Plugins” to be able to install it. “TextFx Characters” has the ability to automatically indent your code.“NppExec” is essential for compiling Java code.“Compare” is very useful for comparing versions of documents or source code.Now run Notepad++, and go to the menu option Plugins/Plugin Manager/Show Plugin Manager and install these plugins.Download Notepad++ and Install it to your USB drive.♣ Part 2: download, install, configure Notepad++

Now copy the folder C:\Program Files\Java to your USB flash drive (e.g.Next, install the JDK file you downloaded (jdk-7u11-windows-i586.exe) by clicking on it and choosing the default options.Go to: on the appropriate button (as seen below) to do to the download page.(JDK means Java Development Kit - which is what you need in order to compile Java programs.) testing everything by compiling and running a Java program.Īlso, as new versions of Java come out you’ll have to modify the path to the correct version number. It will probably be something like “C:\program files\java\…”. If you want to install the programs onto your hard drive (i) you can download Notepad++ instead of Notepad++ Portable, and (ii) you need to find and use the correct path to javac.exe (and java.exe) - instead of “\java\jdk1.7.0_11\bin\javac”. These instructions are to set things up so that everything run on a USB flash drive. In this article I’ll explain how to setup Notepad++ and Java so that you can use Notepad++ to compile and run Java programs. ♦ Unfortunately, unlike Java, it only runs on Windows. ♥ Thus it is a simpler, more streamlined alternative to Eclipse. ♥ You can put Notepad++ and Java on a USB drive and program in Java everywhere! ♥ It can easily be used to compile and run Java programs. ♥ Notepad++ is one of the best editors, simple yet powerful.